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Palmost 40 municipalities French girls are twinned with Russian cities. EOwing to the war in Ukraine, some have decided to distance themselves. Others maintain the link, in support of the Russians who oppose the conflict.
The city of Chin (Alpes-Maritimes) assuspended its twinning with that of Sochi, Russia. “It’s a more symbolic value than anything else, of course.“, thinks a resident. In a joint press release with a German city, also twinned with Stochiit condemns the war waged by Russia against Ukraine. “I think it was necessary to mark a stop, a time out. And in addition we did it with our German partner, I think it’s worth all the more in meaning“, testifies Yves Juhelmayor of Menton.
In Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine)testimonies of friendship with the city of Sergeyev Posad in Russia are everywhere. Despite the conflict in Ukraine, there is no question of severing relations between the two municipalities. “We have decided to maintain the twinning by support with the Russians who are against the action carried out by the government of Putin“, says Philip TrotinDeputy Mayor. The measure is rather well accepted by the inhabitants.