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Tuesday, May 17, Russian forces claim the capture of the city Ukrainian of Mariupol after 256 soldiers were facts prisoners. Among them, 51 are seriously injured.
A reissue is it imminent in the stronghold of the Ukrainian resistance, Mariupol ? In any case, it was a hard blow that was dealt to the troops of Volodymyr Zelensky. 256 soldiers, including 51 wounded serious, made themselves prisoners after having occupied for more than a month the industrial complex ofAzovtal. The most seriously injured were taken to hospital. For the others, direction the Donbass, in territories controlled by Russian or pro-Russian forces.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky hopes for an exchange of prisoners. For him, the priority is to treat the wounded and repatriate them. “We hope to save the lives of our guys. Among them there are serious injuries, they are being treated, I want to emphasize that,” did he declare. To Mariupolthe Ukrainian general staff called for an end to the fighting while a hundred resistance fighters were still present in Azovtal.