War in Ukraine: is Wagner’s uprising a boon for kyiv?


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

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In the midst of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, how is the internal crisis in Russia perceived in Ukraine? The point with Alban Mikoczy in duplex of Zaporijia, Saturday June 24th.

Do Ukrainians welcome the rebellion of the Wagner militia?Very clearly, there is an effect of surprise, but also satisfaction“, reports journalist Alban Mikoczy, live near Zaporijia (Ukraine), Saturday, June 24.The Ukrainians did not necessarily expect this to happen, but for them it is rather good news. Because while the Russians are arguing with each other, during this time at least they are not bombing the Ukrainian positions“, says Alban Mikoczy.

President Zelensky calls on the nation to remain calm

The front has been rather calm since last night. There is still a lot of mistrust, first because missiles hit the city of kyiv last night. There were three dead and eight injured. And also because everything will obviously depend on the next few hours in Russia, which will be decisive“, continues the journalist. President Zelensky called on Ukrainians to remain calm. He wants all Russian soldiers to leave Ukraine so that the country regains its territorial sovereignty.

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