War in Ukraine, Day 130 | Moscow claims to control the entire Luhansk region

(Kramatorsk) Russia claimed on Sunday it had conquered Lysychansk and controlled the entire Luhansk region, a potentially key advance in the battle for Donbass in eastern Ukraine, and Moscow accused Kyiv of firing ‘three missiles’ on a Russian city where local authorities reported four deaths.

Posted at 7:27

Benoit FINCK
France Media Agency

Russian Defense Minister “Sergei Shoigu informed” President Vladimir Putin “of the liberation of the People’s Republic of Luhansk”, after the capture of the city of Lysychansk, at the heart of intense fighting, according to an official statement quoted by Russian news agencies.


A burnt-out car was abandoned in Lysychansk

Russian forces and their separatist allies have taken “complete control of Lysytchansk and other nearby towns, the most notable of which are Belogorovka, Novodrujesk, Maloriazantsevo and Belaya Gora,” the statement added.

AFP could not verify this information from an independent source.

The capture of Lysytchansk, if confirmed by Kyiv, would allow Moscow to progress in its plan to conquer all of Donbass, an industrial region in eastern Ukraine largely Russian-speaking and partly controlled by separatists. since 2014, and to advance towards the cities of Sloviansk and Kramatorsk, further west, where the inhabitants already live to the daily rhythm of warning sirens and bombardments.

In Kremlin phraseology, the ongoing offensive in eastern Ukraine is aimed at liberating territories considered Russian.

On Sunday morning, the governor of the Luhansk region, Sergey Gaidar, had hinted that the Ukrainian forces were rapidly losing ground to the attackers in Lysychansk, a city which had 100,000 inhabitants before the start of the war.


Firefighters try to put out a fire ravaging an apartment building in Lysytchansk on July 3.

“The Russians are setting up shop in a district of Lysytchansk, the city is on fire,” he said.

“The occupiers have probably committed all their forces [dans une bataille extrêmement] brutal” systematic destruction of administrative buildings, added Mr. Gaidar. “They suffer heavy losses but stubbornly continue to advance.”


A residential building in Lysychansk destroyed by Russian strikes

Four dead in Belgorod

The Russian army also claimed to have shot down three Ukrainian missiles at dawn on Sunday, launched against the town of Belgorod, near the border with Ukraine, where a local official had previously announced the death of at least three people after attacks. explosions.

“Russian air defenses shot down the three Tochka-U cluster missiles launched by Ukrainian nationalists against Belgorod. After the destruction of the Ukrainian missiles, the debris of one of them fell on a house,” Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said.


Firefighters inspect a house destroyed by Ukrainian strikes in Belgorod.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, Moscow has repeatedly accused Kyiv of hitting Russian soil, particularly in the Belgorod region. At the beginning of April, Mr. Gladkov had accused Ukraine of carrying out an attack against a fuel depot in Belgorod with two helicopters.

In Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city in the northeast, residents were awakened again at 4 a.m. “by Russian rocket attacks”, according to the region’s governor, Oleg Sinegoubov, who also reported Russian “shooting” in the morning on several districts in his area.

On the southern front, the Ukrainian regional operational command indicated in the morning that in the past 24 hours the Russian army had carried out “nine airstrikes with K-52 combat helicopters and 2 bombardments on the island of Serpents,” taken over by Kyiv forces in the northwest Black Sea on Wednesday.

From the same source, the building of a rest base located on the coast was damaged by a Russian missile which caused no casualties. For its part, the Ukrainian army says it has carried out five strikes with planes and helicopters on two ammunition warehouses and five points of concentration of Russian forces.

Minsk threatens

On the diplomatic level, Belarus, a neighbor of Ukraine and an ally of Moscow, appeared to send a warning to Kyiv and its Western backers on Saturday evening, fueling speculation about Minsk’s growing involvement in the conflict.

“About three days ago, maybe more, we tried from Ukraine to hit military targets in Belarus” but “Thank God, our Pantsir anti-aircraft systems intercepted all missiles fired by Ukrainian forces”, said Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

“We are being provoked,” he said, threatening to respond “instantly” to any enemy strike against the territory of Belarus.

“Less than a month ago, I gave the order to our armed forces to have in sight, as we say now, the decision-making centers in your capitals”, declared Mr. Lukashenko again, referring to missiles promised by Russian President Vladimir Putin, as well as the Belarusian Polonez rocket launcher system.

Since Moscow launched the war, Belarus has served as a rear base for Russian forces, and Mr. Putin recently announced that Moscow will deliver Iskander-M missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads to Minsk “in the coming months”. .

In a video message to Ukrainians on Saturday evening, Mr. Zelensky counted “2,610” towns and villages “under Russian occupation”. But since the start of the war, the Ukrainian army has “managed to free 1027”, he assured.

“Hundreds have been completely destroyed by the Russian army and need to be completely rebuilt,” he added. The question of the reconstruction of the country must be at the heart of an international conference Monday and Tuesday in Lugano, Switzerland.

“It is not only necessary to rebuild everything that the occupiers destroyed, but also to lay new foundations for our life, for a Ukraine, safe, modern”, declared the Ukrainian president, for whom this must go through “colossal investments” and “reforms”.

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