War in Ukraine | Baltic states stop importing Russian gas

(Riga) The Baltic states have stopped importing Russian natural gas which “has not been supplied to Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania since 1er April,” the head of the Latvian storage company Conexus Baltic Grid said on Saturday.

Posted at 5:46 p.m.

“Years ago, my country took decisions that now allow us to easily sever energy ties with the aggressor,” Uldis Bariss, CEO of Conexus Baltic Grid told Latvian radio.

“If we can do it, the rest of Europe can do it too! “, he said. The Baltic countries are now served by gas reserves stored underground in Latvia.

On Twitter, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda also called on the rest of the European Union to follow the example of the Baltic countries: “From this month, no more Russian gas in Lithuania”, he said .

The United States banned the import of Russian oil and gas after the invasion of Ukraine, but not the EU, which was sourcing around 40% from Russia in 2021.

Moscow’s announcement on Thursday to force buyers from “unfriendly” countries to pay for Russian gas in rubles from accounts in Russia could, however, be a game-changer.

Germany, particularly dependent on Russian gas, said on Friday that it wanted to analyze the concrete consequences of this Kremlin decree, intended above all to support the ruble. Berlin, like the other EU countries, refuses any payment in rubles to Moscow.

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