War in Ukraine: Angelina Jolie, very moved, meets refugee children in the Vatican

The immense Hollywood star Angelina Jolie traveled to Rome to visit Ukrainian refugee children hosted in the Vatican. The actress, who received a Catholic education, devotes a lot of time to her work for the protection of refugees at the United Nations. The children are currently being cared for and cared for in the Bambino Gesu pediatric hospital.

It was therefore in the Vatican that she met Ukrainian children who had arrived in Italy because of the war which reigns in their territory of origin, some of them are even very ill. The invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin’s Russian forces, which began on February 24, has already forced millions of Ukrainians to flee their country. Another Hollywood actor Sean Penn also traveled to Europe to follow the conflict. In this case, he had met President Volodymyr Zelensky to produce a documentary on the wars in Eastern Europe.

Unicef ​​even estimates that 2 million refugee children have left Ukraine since the start of the conflict and 2.5 million have moved within the country itself. An estimated 60% of the country’s children have had to say goodbye to their homes in recent weeks. Angelina Jolie also took the opportunity to meet the doctors and nurses on site who take care of the refugees. “Like many others, I pray for an end to the war. This is the only way to stop the suffering and displacement. It’s horrible to see children paying the price, in lost lives, damaged health and trauma“, she let know.

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