Wanda Nara takes up Mauro Icardi: new insult to the one who put her couple in danger

It’s a story that shakes the entire microcosm of professional football and has even had a direct impact on Paris Saint-Germain. On the cold for more than a week, Wanda Nara and her husband Mauro Icardi seemed irreconcilable and the 28-year-old Argentinian player was even forced to miss Tuesday’s game against Leipzig to deal with his relationship issues. Guilty of adultery according to the words of his wife, the footballer went to Milan to find his beautiful and try to make her listen to reason.

And obviously, Mauro Icardi’s tactics have paid off! In a story posted yesterday on her Instagram account, the sulphurous mother of four informed her 9.4 million subscribers that she had ended up forgiving the father of her two daughters. By posting a montage of several photos that she has already posted over the past three months, she appears for the first time since their break-up alongside her footballer husband on social networks. If she seems happy to find the man of her life, she does not forget to throw a huge tackle to the one she judges guilty of her husband’s infidelities. “I take care of my family. Life will take care of the bitches the same way”, she writes.

An Argentinian actress directly targeted?

A message that surely refers to the first one she published last Saturday when she referred to a “bitch” who had destroyed his family. If she did not name anyone in her post, it would appear that the Argentinian actress and model China suarez felt directly targeted. In a long message, she explains that she wants to stop the lies about this story. Without writing the name of Mauro Icardi, she explains that she is none other than the turkey of the farce in this imbroglio. I had to face men whose words I always believed: whether they were apart or in the process of separating and that there were no conflicts. I feel in this situation an infernal ‘déjà vu’, where I am paying my reputation once again “, she writes.

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