Walking barefoot is good for the whole body

What if summer allowed us to free our feet a little? Walking barefoot is always beneficial. Several scientific studies show that we would be better off without most of our dress shoes.

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Kristiaan d’Aout, a researcher from Liverpool, England, traveled to India to prove the virtues of walking without shoes. He was able to measure the different pressures under the feet which walked bare: they are much better distributed. And there, he didn’t see any hallux valgus. It is a deformation of the joint of the big toe sometimes so painful that it must be operated. A deformation almost entirely caused by shoes that are too narrow and often with a heel, confirms Dr. Pomme Jouffroy, orthopedic surgeon at the Saint-Joseph Hospital Group in Paris.

She suggests taking advantage of the summer to at least walk in light flat sandals, but above all, barefoot as much as possible. With special emphasis on small children. Because they will develop their balance much better with a direct perception of the ground. It is the whole muscular and articular chain which is then correctly put in place. And it maintains its prescription for all generations.

Kristiaan d’Août, once back in Liverpool, offered volunteers to wear the most “neutral” shoes possible to get closer to the Indians. Within six weeks, the feet had become 60% stronger. The flexibility and finesse of the sole makes their muscles work harder. He also saw a 40% improvement in stability. By walking as by standing. A good way to limit falls for the elderly.

Our Homo sapiens body has improved to walk barefoot, so by changing this natural way of moving, with too thick soles for example, our joints would work poorly and wear out more. Obviously, it will be difficult to completely do without shoes. So at least let your feet breathe a little this summer. And this winter, you can air them out in the evening by doing little exercises, for example, that will remind them of the beach or the grass on vacation.

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