Wagner’s rebellion: “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” special Russia

In the aftermath of the attempted rebellion by Evguéni Prigojine and his ultimately aborted Wagner militia, franceinfo takes stock with the analyzes of Françoise Daucé, director of studies at EHESS and Renaud Girard, senior reporter for “Figaro”.

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Renaud Girard, senior reporter at "Figaro"and Françoise Daucé, director of studies at EHESS, Sunday June 25, 2023. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

Russian authorities confirm that Yevgeny Prigojine’s Wagner militia “left Rostov” on Sunday 25 June. The day before, the troops of Vladimir Putin’s former cook were getting dangerously close to Moscow. The capital was even preparing for the worst, but eventually militia leader Wagner backtracked. What future now for Yevgeny Prigojine, but also for Vladimir Putin whose authority has been undermined? Will the situation in Russia offer respite to Ukraine? To discuss the situation in Russia the day after a day full of tension and twists and turns, Lorrain Sénéchal and Agathe Lambret receive Francoise DauceDirector of Studies at EHESS and Director of the Center for Studies of the Russian, Caucasian and Central European Worlds, and Renaud Girardsenior reporter for Le Figaro, specialist in international relations.

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