Vladimir Putin’s big annual show


Video length: 2 min

Russia: Vladimir Putin’s big annual show

Russia: Vladimir Putin’s big annual show – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – L. Feuerstein, A. Charlie

France Televisions

Thursday, December 14, Vladimir Putin answered questions live from journalists and citizens, during his annual television show. The Russian president notably addressed the conflict in Ukraine.

Like every year, Russian President Vladimir Putin answered questions from journalists and citizens during a live television show. This broadcast prepared by the Kremlin lasted almost four hours. More than two million questions were reportedly sent by SMS from across the country. The first topic addressed by the Russian president was the war in Ukraine. After recalling the missions of “denazification” and of “demilitarization” that the Russian army is leading in Ukraine, he reiterated his confidence about victory.

A thriving economy despite inflation and sanctions?

Vladimir Putin also wanted to reassure his citizens by expressing his optimism regarding the country’s improving economy. He claimed that Russia “rebounded after last year’s decline”, despite inflation and international sanctions. He said he expected growth of 3.5% by the end of the year.

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