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Vladimir Putin had plenty of subjects for his traditional annual press conference in Russia, especially with the current tensions with Ukraine. Journalist Luc Lacroix is live from Moscow on Thursday 23 December to take stock of the situation.
Currently, tens of thousands of Russian soldiers are massed on the Ukrainian border. Between proposals and threats, what should we learn from Vladimir Putin’s intervention? “The tone was harsh. Vladimir Putin issued what looked like an ultimatum to Westerners by saying he wanted security guarantees, now, immediately, and refusing to rule out any use of force.“, explains journalist Luc Lacroix live from Moscow (Russia), Thursday 23 December.
“It was the United States that put missiles on our doorstep, what would the Americans say if we put missiles on the Canadian border? he asked“, relates the journalist. “Corn Vladimir Poutine also left a door ajar by judging positive the first American reactions to his demands. What he wants is in particular the end of NATO’s extension to the east and guarantees that neither Ukraine nor Georgia will join the alliance. Atlantic“, details Luc Lacroix.