After more than a year of work, the cultural establishment in Marcy-l’Étoile unveils its new permanent exhibition. The pathogenic universe is dissected for adults and children. An interactive journey to understand progress in biology.
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How were vaccines developed? What is an infectious risk? What does a virus look like? These are the questions answered by the Marcy-l’Etoile Museum of Biological Sciences. Founded in 2007, the establishment reopens its doors to visitors from February 21, after more than a year of work.
The opportunity to completely rethink the educational approach of the exhibition. This new museum focuses on interactivity, with manipulations to better understand microorganisms. Like this giant microscope to observe bacteria up close. Small theaters show documentaries about diseases that have advanced biological discoveries, such as smallpox.
Discover biological sciences
from all angles, in a new scenography. – (FTV / S. Allec / B. Tardy / B. Fontaine)
The visitor discovers the proximity between humans and animals in terms of infectious diseases. 60% of them are harbored in animals before being transmitted to humans, such as salmonellosis. They are called zoonoses. “It is a completely decompartmentalized approach between disciplines to provide answers in the fight against infectious diseases.“, explains Anne de Chiffreville, president of the museum.
But also, how progress in human medicine could be useful for animals and vice versa. The horse, for example, has made it possible to develop serums to fight against human pathologies. The cow allowed Edward Jenner to discover vaccination against smallpox. Work then taken up by Louis Pasteur to overcome rabies.
Doctor Mérieux
The museum also tells the life of the Mérieux family, whose name it bears. The founder, the biochemist Marcel Mérieux, was the assistant of Émile Roux, Pasteur’s right-hand man. Coming from a family of silk workers, the Lyonnais invented dyes to identify the nature of bacteria. He developed several medical innovations throughout his life and created the Mérieux Institute. Now a holding company in the biology sector.
Doctor Mérieux Museum of Biological Sciences, open from February 21, 2024, 69280 Marcy-l’Étoile.