Violinist Renaud Capuçon wants to “support young people, advise them, help them” in music



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On this day of Fête de la musique, the 23h of franceinfo receives Tuesday June 21 Renaud Capuçon, renowned French violinist, accompanied by one of the soloist revelations, Manon Galy.

Renowned violinist, Renaud Capuçon is now embarking on the production of young talents, including the soloist Manon Galy. “I think that with the Covid period, we all had a lot of time to think […] and from there came this idea, we created this production company“, he says. The idea is to “supporting young people, advising them, helping them” and also offer them a job as an agent.

Manon Galy sees it for her part “very, very lucky. I think a lot of young people have talent, a lot of young people work, and then there’s that little bit of luck that we don’t always control.“. Asked about the possible parallel between the success of a young talent in pop or in classical music, she recognizes that “it’s a medium that is a bit closed, that has trouble opening up to the general public. Renaud has this talent to know how to speak to everyone with his violin, with his music“.

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