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“Special Envoy” went to meet seniors: happy at work, looking for a job or worn out even before retirement…
At what age can we retire? The debate raged between the two presidential candidates. Is it possible to work longer? “Special Envoy” went to meet seniors: happy at work, looking for a job or worn out even before retirement.
Meetings with Christine, 58, looking for a job for many months; Franck, 56, who has just been hired; Sylvie, 61, who benefits from an arrangement of her working hours; Annick, 46, nurse’s aide dismissed for incapacity because of serious back problems which she thinks are related to her exhausting job.
Unfit, sick or unemployed, at the legal retirement age, more than 40% of French people are no longer working
The Department of Research, Studies and Statistics (Dares) has calculated the employment rate of 55-64 year olds: in France, only 56.1% of seniors work, one of the highest rates bottom of Europe. However, thanks to their experience and stability, they can be assets for companies.
A report by Alice Gauvin, Sarah Lerch, Alexandre Rémond and Léo Lochmann broadcast in “Correspondent” May 5, 2002.
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