VIDEO. These young people who assume their acne on the networks




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More and more of them are deciding to take responsibility for their acne on social networks. Audrey, dermatologist, believes that this trend is beneficial.

Audrey aka Dermato Drey is a dermatologist and she notices that more and more young people show their acne on social networks. A tendency she finds beneficial when perfectionism is often “at its peak on social networks“.”Because the selfie has become a real mode of communication and because filters and retouching are ubiquitous, it’s rather healthy that a little reality returns to this world which is essentially based on images.“, she develops. Indeed, acne affects 80% of people in their lives.

As a dermatologist, Audrey encourages people with acne to come to terms with it. “Our role is twofold: on the one hand, to offer solutions to minimize acne and on the other hand, to help patients to better accept themselves in order to suffer less from their acne.“, she specifies.

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