VIDEO. These artists rage on Tik-Tok against their record company


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In a few years, it has become the platform that can turn a song into a global hit… But these artists are tired of the pressure from their record companies pushing them to be ever more active on TikTok. That’s why.

It used to be that the music industry chose which artists and which songs were going to be successful, but today it’s mostly driven by reaction, it reacts to what people like”. Florence and the Machine, Halsey, Jojo, Charli XCX… On Tik-Tok, many of them express their fed up with their label.

There’s a lot of pressure on artists these days to be full-time content creators, on top of everything else.“On Tik-Tok, these artists are tired of their labels asking them to do views on the social network. When an artist signs with a label, the contract foresees that it will help him to promote his music. “It worked very well in traditional marketing, with posters and targeted advertisements, because the artist’s participation was not necessary. Now that marketing goes through social networks, the artist is obliged to get involvedr”, explains Tatiana Cirisano.

I think a lot of artists, especially those under contract, get frustrated because they feel like they’re doing their label’s job. A lot of times a superstar stays a superstar, but it’s so competitive these days it gets messy, even if you’re Halsey.“For years, TikTok has been transforming the music industry by enabling young artists to get noticed while forcing successful artists to be present on the platform.

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