Video length: 2 min
Ardèche: the Waze GPS application is a nightmare for residents
Ardèche: the Waze GPS application is a nightmare for residents
(France 2)
To avoid traffic jams, many motorists use driving assistance applications, such as Waze. By offering alternative routes, it clutters the streets of villages in Ardèche, arousing the anger of residents.
In Ardèche, the summer season is starting again and with it, the uninterrupted flow of vehicles. Congestion, maneuvering, reversing… The small road which crosses the town does not allow vehicles to arrive in both directions of traffic. A situation that greatly annoys residents. They point the finger at GPS guidance apps, which advise motorists on an alternative route. As a result, their village is often blocked.
A radical solution
In Valencia, the mayor has implemented a radical solution to combat this problem. He decided to close a route that was offered by GPS applications. From April to September, a barrier prevents cars from passing through every weekend. The mayor first tried to contact those responsible for the GPS applications, without success. Previously, every busy day, the small road was saturated with cars. Residents remember seeing all kinds of vehicles from all over the world parading past their homes. GPS applications have their perverse effects which more and more municipalities are complaining about.