VIDEO. She had a cryptic pregnancy



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Kayla Simpson learned she was pregnant just minutes from giving birth. She went through what is called a “cryptic pregnancy”. Brut met her and spoke with her about this particular experience.

The doctor says to me: ‘Do you understand what is happening?’ I say, ‘No, what’s going on?’ And he: ‘You are giving birth.’“Kayla Simpson is a young American, and recently gave birth to her daughter Madison Grace. Only, she didn’t know she was pregnant, still 15 minutes before her delivery. “I probably got pregnant in February. But I had no symptoms, no signs. My body has not changed. I even lost 13 kg during my pregnancy. I’ve had my period all along. So it wasn’t even a concern for me”, explains the young woman.

Kayla Simpson had continued her life, as usual, suspecting nothing. “The day before, November 6, I had two services at the restaurant where I work, then I went home. I woke up with mild cramps. It intensified more and more. So I called my brother and said, ‘Come downstairs and get mummy, I need help.’ To go down the stairs… I was at the top and I couldn’t come down without bending over. So my mom said, ‘We’re going to the emergency room.’ I thought my appendix had burst.

When I arrived, they took care of me and the doctor came to see me. He listened to my stomach, he pressed it. (…) They did an ultrasound to see if there was a cyst or a hernia and my mother saw something familiar on the screen. She thought maybe I was a month or two pregnant and was having a miscarriage, because I was bleeding. Suddenly I felt the worst pain of my life. I screamed. The doctor came running and saw the baby’s head appear. The moment my daughter came out the pain stopped and they laid her on me. That’s when I realized I had a baby and I was like, ‘Wow!’”, recalls Kayla Simpson.

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