VIDEO. Presidency of the National Rally: Marine Le Pen


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The spokesperson for the National Rally declares himself “very attached” to the duo formed by Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella. The election for the party presidency will take place in November.

“I am very attached to the Marine Le Pen – Jordan Bardella duo, I think it works well. You don’t change a winning team”declared Wednesday August 10 on franceinfo Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for the National Rally, while Jordan Bardella and Louis Aliot are candidates for the presidency of the National Rally.

The election will take place in November 2022. “We are going to elect the president who will manage the National Rally to come to power in 2027. There is the Marine line with a costed, reasonable project. She will remain an important and central figure in the National Rally” , assures Laurent Jacobelli. For the moment, Marine Le Pen is not a candidate.

“There are two candidates of high quality, value” who are Louis Aliot and Jordan Bardella. But “Marine Le Pen is a natural candidate for the National Rally [à l’élection présidentielle], she showed that she knew how to do it, that she had proposals in line with what the French expect. She has all the skills to do it, but that’s the decision. The whole movement will support her if tomorrow she is a candidate.”

The internal campaign for the presidency of the National Rally “will be a good child”, assured Laurent Jacobelli. He “do not believe” that there will be tears. “At the National Rally, we have several responsible, symbolic figures who can do it and we are lucky.”

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