VIDEO. In Lyon, a school to accommodate homeless families



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These children go to school, but their families are homeless. So thanks to the support of teachers and parents of students, this school in Lyon keeps its doors open in the evening to accommodate them.

They cannot attend regular schooling if they have slept outside at night. “Brut went to the 1st arrondissement of Lyon to the Michel Servet school. Here, every night and for at least three weeks, families of children attending school but who are homeless have been sleeping in the school gymnasium. A support committee made up of parents and teachers take turns every evening to bring these families to safety.

The town hall of Lyon and the prefecture have not succeeded in finding long-term accommodation for these families. For Raphaël Vulliez, teacher and member of the “Jamais Sans Toit” collective, it is also a way of alerting the public authorities to the fact that the law is not being applied. “This is not normal, it is written in the law that emergency accommodation is an unconditional right“, he insists.

In the morning, when families wake up, they have breakfast before going back to school with the other students. In Lyon, it is not the only school to welcome homeless families. The initiative is not legal but is tolerated by the municipality.


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