(Washington) EpicGames, the online game publisher Fortniteannounced on Tuesday new parental control options, which allow complete control of the time spent online by children, as well as the times of the day when they can play.
The new options make it possible to determine the daily playing time of children, who are notified 30 minutes before the end of the session that it is coming to an end, as well as a weekly report sent to parents on the time spent on the game .
They also offer the possibility for the child to request additional time and for the parents to accept or not.
Parents can also now choose the time slots during which they want to allow their children to play.
These new rules apply both to Fortnite that for LEGO Fortnite Or Unreal Editorwhich allows you to play in user-created worlds.
They complete a series of parental control options which already make it possible to restrict the use of online conversations, by text or voice, to authorize or not the addition of online friends, or even to restrict access to certain game features depending on the age of the child.
In total, EpicGames offers a dozen parental control functions on Fortnite.