VIDEO. Aquatic activities to help migrants



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The members of this foundation help migrants who have arrived in France to rebuild themselves psychologically and overcome their fear of water. Brut followed them for a day.

In France, near Marseille, the foundation Apprentices from Auteuil helps young migrants who have just crossed the Mediterranean. With aquatic activities, the volunteers encourage young minors to regain their confidence in the water despite their traumas.

“They all come from crossing the Mediterranean Sea with, for some, a very complicated crossing and with a relationship to water which can also be very complex in France and that is why we created this project in France to enable them to integrate and also include themselves in French society.”

After crossing the Mediterranean, these migrants are now followed by Apprentices from Auteuil, an association that helps young minors. With aquatic activities, they learn to no longer be afraid of water and overcome their trauma.

“I crossed the sea, there are people who died there, so it was difficult for me because in the water… To sit in a Zodiac , I can’t swim, I was a little scared. Now it’s OK. I am very happy in the water”says Amadou, 16 years old.

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