VIDEO. After causing a scandal, Hungary’s anti-migrant wall is now a model

It is one of the most monitored areas in Europe, at its eastern end: the border between Hungary and Serbia. Between the two countries, a fence wall 3.50 meters high and 175 kilometers long. In 2015, its construction, in the midst of the migrant crisis, sparked a lively controversy. Compared to the Berlin Wall, Viktor Orbán’s initiative was notably condemned in France by Laurent Fabius, the Socialist Minister of Foreign Affairs: Hungary is part of Europe; Europe has values, and we do not respect these values ​​by putting up fences as we would not do with animals.

But times have changed: the “anti-migrant wall” is now cited as an example of effectiveness, and many countries are inspired by it. Greece and Bulgaria have strengthened theirs; Lithuania, Austria, Slovenia have built them. The latest is the one that Poland erected a few months ago on its border with Belarus.

Sensors, surveillance cameras and barbed wire lined with razor blades to complete the device

Hungary is still governed by the nationalist Viktor Orbán, and his “anti-migrant” system has only become more sophisticated over the years. Instead of one wall, the border now has two. The fence has been doubled on the Hungarian side because the migratory flow continued to increase”, explains the lieutenant-colonel in charge of the border post. The new building has been equipped with sensors to detect movement, barbed wire lined with razor blades, steel links to prevent migrants from cutting the fence with pliers. Between the two barriers, a road was built to facilitate the movement of patrols.

In order to better control entries from the neighboring country, Hungary has also installed cameras facing Serbia. The journalists of “Complément d’Enquête” were treated to a demonstration of their effectiveness. They were able to enter a control room filled with screens. Thanks to them, the officials spotted a group carrying a ladder – the smugglers have been using it for a few months to get over the wall. A patrol is sent on site, the ladder is intercepted in a few seconds.

Excerpt from “Borders: billions, failures and barbed wire”, a document to be seen in “Complementary investigation” on May 12, 1022.

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