victory of Toulouse, the pink city in jubilation



Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

A. Lay, A. Brogat, D. Breysse, S. Pointaire, E. Coorevits, M. Le Rue, France 3 Midi-Pyrénées – France 2

France Televisions

Toulouse won the Coupe de France on Saturday evening April 29, under the gaze of some 18,000 supporters, gathered at Place du Capitole.

In the heart of the pink city, victory resounds. The crowd is cheering at the final whistle. On the Place du Capitole in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), adorned with purple and white, colors of the TFC, the Toulouse supporters exult. Not for rugby but for football, because 66 years later, Toulouse offers its second Coupe de France. They imposed themselves so brilliantly, the pleasure is immense. Sunday morning, the Capitol is very empty, but in the surrounding area, in a market, victory is on everyone’s lips.


The fans are still there. A group of friends, subscribers to the TFC since their childhood, have just returned from Paris, after a very short night. “A lot of Violets had tears in their eyes, and we were one of them. It was just magical”, said a supporter. And it’s not over. All day, the party will continue, while waiting to see the Cup at home, brought back by the players.

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