Victoria of Sweden: Her marriage to Prince Daniel marked by a drama? Revelations

On June 19, 2010, the Swedish people looked forward to one of the greatest national events in a long time: the wedding of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden to Daniel Westling (henceforth called Prince Daniel). On D-Day, hundreds of thousands of people flocked to the streets of Stockholm to attend this union. The celebrations then proceeded as planned. At least that was what people thought before Swedish police chief Michael Fetz, with the help of writer Niclas Andersson, published a new book in which he recounts the tragedy that almost happened. that day, when he was in charge of security.

Suddenly I saw on a screen that there was a black and white image of a small plane. I just thought, ‘What is this? It doesn’t match my image of what it should look like. So at first I thought that some police officers had put on an old airplane film from the 1950s since everything was going so well. It was my first thought. However, I soon realized it was for real. A plane was heading straight for the motorcade, despite the fact that all airspace was forbidden to travel” he revealed, enough to send shivers down your spine.

It would have been a tragedy

More fear than harm in the end since this plane ended up changing its trajectory. “It turned out to be a very ordinary person, who had missed the fact that there was a wedding and forbidden airspace. But it was about to end in tragedy, and it would have was a tragedy no matter what we had done” said the police chief. Despite a big scare internally, the problem was quickly resolved, which explains why Princess Victoria’s wedding was able to take place in perfect conditions, before the couple flew to their honeymoon in Bora-Bora. .

As a reminder, Princess Victoria has been in a relationship since 2002 with Prince Daniel, who is actually her former sports coach. Together they are parents of Crown Princess Estelle (10 years old) and Prince Oscar (6 years old). Last February, the two lovebirds put an end to the rumors on social networks concerning their potential divorce.

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