“Victor Hugo in all his states”

France Bleu Provence is a partner of the event “Victor Hugo in all his states” on the occasion of the 220th anniversary of his birth.

Cuges-les-Pins celebrates Victor Hugo on October 1st, during an event day where the different facets of the man who is considered one of the most important writers of the French language will be discussed.


Victor Hugo is a French novelist, poet and playwright born on February 26, 1802 and died on May 22, 1885. He is also a designer, academician, politician who, elected deputy for Paris, distinguished himself in the Legislative Assembly by speeches which made history, and a fierce opponent of Napoleon III, which earned him exile.

His resolutely republican commitment in the second part of his life and his immense literary work made him an emblematic figure, whom the Third Republic honored with a national funeral and the transfer of his remains to the Panthéon in Paris on June 1, 1885, ten days after his death.

“Victor Hugo in all his states” will highlight the diversity of the human, political and intellectual personality of this committed writer.

Victor Hugo in the spotlight, Saturday October 1, 2022 in Cuges-les-pins

A day of festivities

On the occasion of the 220th anniversary of the birth of Victor Hugo, Cuges-les-Pins wanted to honor the one who, on October 1, 1839, had stopped in this village in the company of his mistress Juliette Drouet to have lunch there in an inn. so famous. A part of local history unknown to Provençals… but which the writer has told in his “travel diaries”.

The public will be able, free of charge, to participate in writing, drawing and culinary workshops, to attend a literary café where exhibitions from the National Library of France and the Departmental Library of Bouches-du-Rhône will be visible, to listen to poems and texts by Victor Hugo staged by the elected officials of the Municipal Youth Council or by the troupe “Les Chuchoteuses”, hear the speech on social misery delivered on July 9, 1849 and which will be revived by the actor Lotfi Salmi, at 11:00 a.m. in front of the Town Hall.

This day will end with the creation, at 8.30 p.m., of the play “Victor Hugo, from theater to exile”, written for the occasion by Antibes writer Jean-Marc Weber and performed by twenty actors from the “Miméthis” Company. and Catharsis” from Aix la Duranne, under the direction of Mario Constante.

The program of
The program of “Victor Hugo in all his states” October 1, 2022

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