victim of an accident, the facilitator displays his terrible injuries…

Vincent Moscato has been a host on RMC for more than 15 years now. After having distinguished himself as a sports journalist with his Super Moscato Show, the former Rugby player also shone on the Dancing with the Stars set. In 2018, he was swinging in the arms of Candice Pascal. A shock duo that had not failed to convince viewers.

Very active on social networks, Vincent Moscato likes to share his daily life with his subscribers. This Thursday, July 7, it is however not a new project that he revealed on his Instagram account, but his disfigured face. On the program: A terrible injury to the nose, but also bruises and scratches on the forehead. Violent altercation? Assault ? Sport ? What happened ? Well, according to the RMC flagship host, it was a simple fall down the stairs that would have marked his face in this way.

“I broke my ass”

I broke my neck on the stairs. Anyway, I know you’re not going to believe me… but well, here it is, I’d rather tell you because otherwise… Everyone asks me and I’m fed up! I broke my face on the stairs “, first explained the one who became a grandfather for the first time last December. A statement that quickly aroused strong reactions. In total, more than 2,500 people liked Vincent Moscato’s post. In addition, they were also hundreds to comment on its publication. ” Attention Vincent, we are not getting any younger. We want to keep you as long as possible so make the most of it “wrote a user.

Others, meanwhile, seem to have a hard time believing the stairs version. ” Ricard’s accident”, “It’s not rather Christelle who inflicted a small correction on you…”, “You played against Toulon” or “Excess of chilled rosé”. The mystery remains intact.


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