victim of a shot, the dad of the actress collapses before her eyes!

This Thursday, September 22, 2022, TF1 has decided to honor the TV movie “Touchées” by Alexandra Lamy. A poignant work that was close to his heart: “I wanted people to remember that domestic or sexual violence is universal. I didn’t come in saying ‘Look, I put all the social classes on you…’ but I wanted it to appear like nothing. […] », she indicated for Puremedias.

In the 7ᵉ art, the main interested party flourishes as an actress and director. “What is difficult is to answer everything! That is to say that you, you are in your text, you are with your actors”, analyzed Alexandra Lamy. “ You think about the plan then suddenly, you are challenged by the props man who says: ‘Hey there, are they at the table, do we put plastic glasses or do we put large glasses? The tablecloth is checkered? Red ? Green ?’. There, you say to yourself: ‘Shit, I hadn’t thought of everything’. So the hardest thing is to manage all these details that I had never paid attention to. As an actress, you think about your clothes, your text, the light, but not everything behind it! And yet, all these details tell something about the atmosphere and a universe ».

“It was a little gun of nothing at all”

As soon as she has a moment off, Alexandra Lamy likes to recharge her batteries with her family. For the actress, family and friends, it’s sacred. In 2008, the ex-wife of Jean Dujardin certainly had the fear of his life during a dinner with relatives organized in Saint-Sébastien-d’Aigrefeuille. Blame it on a terrible incident as indicated Here is… And for good reason, his father was admitted urgently to the university hospital center of Nîmes.

The reason ? One of the guests accidentally shot the latter with a pellet gun. More fear than harm then… But Chloé Jouannet’s grandfather was hit in the thigh. “It was a small pistol of nothing at all”, would have blown the mother of the actress and add: “And it was not Jean Dujardin who fired”. We are reassured!


to see also: Alexandra Lamy as a couple at 50: Who is Pierre Garonnaire, his darling 37-year-old businessman?

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