very disrupted traffic, this Wednesday, in the former Midi-Pyrénées region

A strike for a wage increase at the SNCF. The four representative unions (CGT, Unsa, SUD-Rail and CFDT) are calling on railway workers to stop work. The movement began Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. and will end Thursday morning at 8 a.m. And the traffic will be severely disruptedthis Wednesday.

Increases to compensate for inflation

The strikers want put pressure on management SNCF before the round table scheduled for Wednesday morning on the issue of wages. David Anton is part of the office of the CGT Cheminots Midi-Pyrénées: “Since 2014, we have not been raised. We have a company that receives 862 million in profits in 2021 and we get nothing at all, while the inflation figures are only increasing and that the railway workers are suffering.I have been with the SNCF for more than 20 years and I earn around 1870 euros net per month. _When we have bonuses, I arrive at 2000 euros_. Here, I’m happy when I get 2000 euros, knowing that we work from Monday to Sunday, on public holidays, at night, in staggered hours.

I have been at the SNCF for more than 20 years and I earn 1879 euros net per month

Management only gives bonuses, but these are band-aids on wooden legs. We are anything but privileged: if we were well-to-do, there would be people jostling to come and work at the SNCF. But today, we can’t hire.”

A Black Wednesday in Occitania

As a result of this social movement, traffic will be severely disrupted in Occitania, especially on the TER network.

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The SNCF announces two TER out of five, but it is a national average: it is therefore very variable according to the lines. On the Toulouse-Montauban, for example, there will only be 9 trains out of the 32 scheduled for this Wednesday. Count a little less than one train in five between Toulouse and Carcassonne and only two trains out of the twenty scheduled between Toulouse and Albi. On the other hand, there will be no train between Toulouse and Saint-Gaudens and between Toulouse and Foix.

The half of the connections between Toulouse and Bordeaux are removed, whether by TER or TGV. Same thing between Toulouse and Montpellier. On the Intercités Paris-Limoges-Toulouse link, it will be necessary to deal with one in two trains. SNCF announces three out of ten trains between Toulouse and Marseille, but no traffic on the Toulouse-Hendaye line.

The company recommends postponing your trips.

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