vegetables in cakes :-)

ANNE LINE THEVENOUX., trained dietician, health educator tells us how to convince our children to eat vegetables! why not in cakes? the zucchini replaces the butter, the dried beans the flour… 🙂

Despite the campaign to “eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day, France is lagging behind…

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has just unveiled new statistics and reveals to us the country where we eat the most vegetables. The leading country is Croatia, where the inhabitants consume almost 302 kg of vegetables per year and per inhabitant. The model student in Europe is closely followed by the Balkans, including Albania, which consumes 298 kg of vegetables annually, and North Macedonia, with a consumption of 269 kg. In France, we consume between 50 and 100 kg per year and per inhabitant

source site-35