“Valérie Pécresse, she has a husband who supports her”: Ségolène Royal tackles her ex François Hollande

For the 2022 presidential elections, the right of the Republicans chose a woman candidate, Valérie Pécresse. Exit Philippe Juvin, Michel Barnier and Xavier Bertrand at first, then Eric Ciotti, the challenger surprise which did not resist in the second round to the rise of the president of the Ile-de-France region. It is therefore a woman who represents the party, The Parisian has therefore chosen to question another former presidential candidate about this victory: Ségolène Royal. Having distanced himself from her socialist party, the unfortunate finalist of 2007 speaks without language, with still strong resentment, in particular against the former President of the Republic and father of her four children, François Hollande.

It is clear that the politicians around Valérie Pécresse were very correct, present, she tells us. What I never had: the socialist tenors at the time all shunned, except a few. We were before #MeToo and a former Prime Minister [Lionel Jospin] could call me a dead end. This contrast moved me“, explains Ségolène Royal to Parisian. She who was called “snipe“and to whom we asked”who will look after the children?“- attack signed Laurent Fabius recalls the daily newspaper – remarks times have changed:”If a right-wing man made such a sexist statement about Pécresse, he would be punished, released from the countryside!“The former minister believes that the men in her party were not ready to see a woman walk past them.

Note that Valérie Pécresse has also experienced sexism in her career. In the show An intimate ambition of M6, she had thus recounted: “Dominique de Villepin told me: ‘There are no normal women in politics. There are only hysterics or unmarried mothers.“Fifteen years later, the LR candidate has come a long way too.

Ségolène Royal, political opponent, recognizes that she has had a good career and ends by highlighting the support of her husband, Jérôme Pécresse, discreet husband, father of their three children and pillar of his wife. And take the opportunity to tackle François Hollande, who was his companion in 2007: “Pécresse, she has a husband who supports her, it is a considerable asset.

François Hollande and Ségolène Royal officially separated after the second round of the 2007 legislative elections, following the presidential defeat of the politician against Nicolas Sarkozy. The former president, now a companion of Julie Gayet, will subsequently appear as a couple with journalist Valérie Trierweiler. In Behind the Scenes of a Defeat signed by AFP journalists Christine Courcol and Thierry Masure, was a shocking statement from Ségolène Royal: “I asked François Hollande to leave home, to live his sentimental story on his side, now displayed in books and newspapers, and I wished him to be happy.

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