Valérie Pécresse and Anne Hidalgo pity him, the presidential candidate takes out the checkbook to help them!

He has his heart on his sleeve. A fact that we could not really observe during this presidential campaign 2022. A campaign which delivered the verdict of its first act this Sunday, April 10. It will therefore be Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron who will face each other in the second round and will be decided by the French on April 24. A duel that citizens have already been able to witness five years ago. But will the result be the same? Not so sure.

What we especially remember from the result of the first round is that Jean-Luc Mélenchon could indeed have passed to the second round. If Anne Hidalgo, Fabien Roussel or even Yannick Jadot had not shown up. Admittedly, that is a lot of “ifs”, but it is clear that the latter recorded very low scores and that they should perhaps have allied themselves directly with the leader of Insubordinate France. Especially since they have not exceeded 5%.

Below 5%

In fact, their campaign and all the costs entailed by it are not reimbursed. This puts some candidates in trouble, like Valérie Pécresse, who recorded the lowest score in the history of the Republicans. The candidate for 4.79% took the floor to launch a strange call for help. “I am launching this (Monday) morning a national appeal for donations, to all those who have given me their vote, to all those who have chosen (Sunday) the useful vote, but also to all French people who are attached to political pluralism. and freedom of expression”, she said before adding “We have not reached the 5% of the votes that would allow us to obtain the seven million euros in reimbursement that we expected. These seven million in reimbursement are missing to complete the reimbursement of the campaign”.

A call for help that Jean Lassalle seems to have heard. In fact, the candidate Resist France took over his Twitter account to post a strange message. A message accompanied by a photo in which we could see him filling out several checks. “Faced with the financial difficulties of the PS, LR and EELV, @ResistonsFrancedecided to make an equivalent donation to each of them in order to respect the principle of equality which is so dear to me and which prevailed throughout this campaign… ‘We often need someone smaller than ourselves’ “, he announced, no doubt, a bit ironically. A gesture that will undoubtedly be welcomed by the majority of political parties.

See also: Presidential 2022: Afida Turner announces her candidacy


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