Valérie Maltais back at her secondary school

Casually, Grandes-Marées high school in La Baie has seen two Olympic speed skating champions pass through its walls in 15 years; four years ago, with Samuel Girard in the 1000m in the short track, and this year with Valérie Maltais, in the long track, in the team pursuit event. On Wednesday, the Bairiveraine went to meet the young people of the high school who were a little shy. After all, it’s not every day that they come up against a gold medalist who has been part of the world’s elite for 12 years now.

Posted yesterday at 8:53 p.m.

The Daily

After being applauded as it should be on her arrival, Valérie was able to exchange with her former teachers, happy to congratulate their former student for her accomplishments. La Bairiveraine finished high school in 2007 before heading to Montreal to continue her development at the National Centre. For her former teachers, it’s nice to be able to say that the Olympic medalist attended the secondary school which just happens to be celebrating her 50and birthday this year.

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