If the late imposition of the vaccine passport in supermarkets was a vexatious reflex towards the non-vaccinated, its requirement in bars, restaurants and gymnasiums was part of a health attitude: to minimize contamination. Indeed, in these places where we stay and breathe without a mask, knowing that our neighbors presented less risk for us was reassuring. Same thing with the shows; the mask could be worn incorrectly, at least we knew that its wearer was vaccinated. But on March 14, the vaccine passport will fall and the non-vaccinated will return to these places. This sudden turnaround will make many believe that the pandemic is over and that they can relax all health precautions. We are told that everyone will now have to choose their risks. There is that, very real, that the vaccinated then prefer to stay at home, as non-smokers did with bars and certain restaurants in the past.
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