Vaccination: we have to find our Formula 1 quickly!

At the start of the vaccination campaign, Christian Dubé stamped his feet, because Quebec lacked vaccines.

The Minister of Health criticized the lack of vaccines from the federal government: “We were off to a good start, but there, we hardly vaccinate any more!”

Twelve months later, on December 14 more precisely, we learned from Mr. Dubé that Quebec was short of vaccinators.

The Minister of Health has appealed for help. Fortunately, he was heard. More than 8,000 people raised their hands to help with the vaccination.

Army help

Last June, Quebec often vaccinated more than 100,000 people per day. Today, less than 70,000 people are vaccinated daily.

How can we explain that Quebec no longer has the capacity to vaccinate as it did last spring?

To restart the machine, the government of Quebec calls the army in reinforcement as in the CHSLDs.

On December 21, Deputy Prime Minister Geneviève Guilbault confirmed on Twitter that Quebec is asking the Army for help: “Omicron threatens Quebec’s hospital capacity. We must speed up the vaccination of Quebecers. I officially asked the federal government for assistance from the Canadian Armed Forces (…) “

Why have you waited so long?

With the surge in cases for several weeks in Europe and the discovery of the Omicron variant on November 25, it is surprising to see that the government waited until December 14 to make an appeal to everyone to massively relaunch vaccination.

We have to believe that our excellent vaccination rate has created a false sense of protection against this new variant. Our decision-makers believed that six months between the 2e and 3e dose was the right thing to do, but it clearly played a trick on us against Omicron.

If our strengths since the start of the pandemic campaign have now become our weaknesses, it is a bit worrying for the future.

With that, Merry Christmas!

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