Uzbek president recognizes ‘victims’ during protests

The President of Uzbekistan on Sunday recognized “victims” during anti-government demonstrations in the autonomous republic of Karakalpakistan, in the northwest of this Central Asian country where all opposition is repressed.

“Unfortunately, there are casualties among civilians and among the police,” said Chavkat Mirzioev, quoted by his press service, during a speech from Karakalpakistan.

He did not specify the number of victims or indicate whether they were dead or injured, accusing the organizers of the demonstrations of “hiding behind slogans” and seeking to “take control of official government buildings local “.

“Several groups attempted to take control of buildings of the Department of Internal Affairs in the city of Nukus [la capitale du Karakalpakistan] and the Department of the National Guard in order to procure weapons,” the president added.

“Taking advantage of the fact that there were more of them, these men attacked police officers, who were beaten and seriously injured,” he said.

Videos of the clashes with the police show people who seem injured or unconscious, raising fears of a heavy human toll.

“Shameful provocations”

An Uzbek representative, Bobur Bekmurodov, denounced images posted on Twitter showing men in uniform walking in a street covered in red liquid. “Friends, do not join these shameful provocations. Check the information. It’s just red colored water. Please let the truth be known! he tweeted.

“Organizers of the riots” have been arrested, the police said, without giving further details.

This is the most serious internal crisis that the Uzbek president has faced since he came to power in 2016.

Two residents of Nukus told AFP that a small group attempting to protest on Saturday evening, for the second night in a row, had been dispersed by the police.

According to these witnesses who requested anonymity, the police seem to have used tear gas and smoke grenades.

Uzbekistan, a country where the opposition is violently repressed, decreed a month-long state of emergency on Saturday in Karakalpakistan, shaken the day before by a rare anti-government demonstration which prompted President Shavkat Mirzioev to abandon a plan to constitutional amendment.

This would have reduced the degree of autonomy of the republic populated by two million people, one of the poorest in the country.

The state of emergency came into effect the same evening at midnight and is to last until August 2.

Noukous seemed calm on Sunday and was squared by the police, witnesses told AFP.

Bordering Afghanistan, Uzbekistan is located in a strategic region, where Russia and China exert a strong influence.

Came to power in 2016 on the death of his predecessor, the ruthless Islam Karimov, Shavkat Mirzioev carried out major economic and social reforms. Reelected last year, he is now accused of taking a new authoritarian turn in the country.

With the proposed revision of the Constitution, the presidential term would increase from five to seven years, to the benefit of the current head of state.

For the majority of the population, the main source of concern is not the human rights situation, but the increasingly difficult economic context. The COVID-19 pandemic has halted strong GDP growth, plunging tourism into the abyss. This has fueled popular discontent, due to the sharp increase in unemployment and the cost of living.

In 2005, hundreds of Uzbek civilians were killed in the city of Andijan (east), during the repression of a protest movement.

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