Urgent Alert: 17-Day-Old Premature Infant Santiago Reported Missing from Hospital, Parents Under Suspicion

The Ministry of Justice issued an abduction alert on October 22 for a 17-day-old infant named Santiago, who disappeared from the Robert Ballanger hospital. Authorities suspect the parents of the kidnapping, prompting public concerns and discussions about hospital security. The alert provides detailed descriptions of the child and the suspected parents, urging individuals not to intervene if spotted but to call the authorities immediately. This incident highlights ongoing worries regarding child safety in healthcare settings.

This morning, October 22, the Ministry of Justice issued a new abduction alert following the alarming disappearance of a newborn from the Robert Ballanger hospital in Aulnay-sous-Bois, Seine-Saint-Denis. The incident reportedly occurred on the evening of October 21, between 11 and 11:30 PM, as outlined in the government bulletin that has been circulating widely on social media. A significant outpouring of community support is mobilizing in response to this urgent situation, given that the infant is only 17 days old and was born prematurely.

The male infant requires ‘constant medical attention’, which is deemed ‘essential’ for his wellbeing. A detailed description of the child, named Santiago, has been released. The abduction alert notes that he has blond hair and was last seen wearing a ‘6-month-sized brown t-shirt’ along with ‘thick velvet white pajamas’. Authorities are urging the public not to confront the suspects if the child is spotted. ‘If you find the child, please do not intervene. Contact 197 immediately or email [email protected].

Parents as Prime Suspects

Authorities are investigating the possibility that the suspects are the child’s parents. The bulletin describes a 23-year-old man seen in dark jeans, a white t-shirt, a light-blue denim jacket, and a black overcoat. The 25-year-old woman, presumed to be his partner, was described wearing a white sweater, a light-blue sleeveless jacket, and a green skirt. Reactions on social media reflect outrage, with users criticizing the parents for potentially jeopardizing their child’s health. Comments such as ‘This is outrageous!’ and ‘What a shame for the child’ have surfaced, alongside concerns about safety in French hospitals, particularly in maternity wards, with some expressing it’s too easy to enter hospitals at night.

Questions have also arisen about the validity of the abduction alert given that the parents are involved. Some users voiced confusion, questioning, ‘Why label this an abduction when it involves the parents?’ Others argue that abduction alerts can be issued when both parents are suspects, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.

Understanding Abduction Alerts

According to the Ministry of Justice’s website, the ‘abduction alert’ is a critical mechanism established for public safety. The alert system, in place since 2006, serves to disseminate urgent information to rapidly locate abducted children. It is activated by the public prosecutor, who must determine that ‘the victim is a minor’ and that there is a ‘risk to their life or physical integrity.’ The goal is to engage the public in efforts to find the child as quickly as possible, utilizing essential information about the situation and the suspects.

This case isn’t the only concern for authorities. Recently, investigators uncovered the body of Lina, a teenager who went missing last year and is believed to have been kidnapped, prompting further investigation into such alarming incidents.
