Unveiling of the First Act program

The director of Premier Acte in Quebec, Marc Gourdeau, unveiled on Monday the programming for the next season of his theater dedicated to the next generation and emerging companies in Quebec.

Posted at 5:04 p.m.

Luc Boulanger

Luc Boulanger
The Press

A total of 11 shows will be on view between August 2022 and May 2023, including several creations of texts by young playwrights, as well as works created by collectives of artists from the national capital.

The season will open at the end of summer 2022 with Optimist Park, a play co-signed by Pierre-Luc Désilets and Étienne La Frenière. Premier Acte speaks of “a theatrical sports western that takes a playful and satirical look at the feeling of belonging and the abuses of power”.

In the spring of 2023, place for Fabulous. A creation by Pierre-Olivier Roussel which offers a confrontation of ideas between six members of the LGBTQ+ community, before participating in the Pride parade in Quebec.

We can also see or review die tenderby Guy Régis Jr, under the direction of Christian Lapointe; No kale for the broken ones, by Lauréanne Dumoulin; and the underworld, a dystopian work by Jennifer Haley, translated by Étienne Lepage, and directed by Maxime Perron. A show that is announced as a “science fiction thriller that addresses ethical issues around virtual reality”.

Premier Acte will also program the revival of a critically acclaimed production in 2019: Rashomon, a playful adaptation of Akira Kurosawa’s cult film, directed by Lorraine Côté. The play will be presented outside the walls, at the restaurant La Cuisine, rue St-Vallier, from April 30 to May 17, to close the Premier Acte season.

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