“Until the light” by Baptiste W. Hamon, lighter, more pop, more cheerful songs

Drinking songs, from Miossec to Pogues, have always given rock music dizziness, tears and laughter. In the country, it is in Texas, based on moonshine, women gone and faithful horses, that we wrote the most sensitive of them, without tongue-in-cheek, with hangover .

Baptiste W. Hamon, born near Paris, adopted as a teenager these legends of cracked men, contemplating the desert, a disastrous booze in the canteen. How, in this insane telescoping of French and American traditions, not to see the definitive metaphor of uprooted music by Baptiste W. Hamon?

This third album, “Until the light”, responds with a funny “Drink A Shot”. A song that best represents his state at the heart of this strange year 2020: after a year of slowness and gloom, the desire to say shit to the world, and to go and drink life with a smile on his face, surrounded by those we love.

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And if the punchlines abound, never the melodies or the sound are neglected.

For the arrangements of his album, the artist called on John Parish who produced some of the cult albums of Dominique A, Sparklehorse, Aldous Harding, Giant Sand or of course PJ Harvey.

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