United States | John Deere tractor manufacturer strike ends

(Washington) Employees of US tractor manufacturer John Deere, on strike since mid-October, have reached an agreement with management on a new collective agreement including a significant wage increase, UAW union representatives said on Wednesday.

The strikers will return to work on Thursday morning, UAW said in a statement.

Some 10,000 employees spread over 14 sites had started their social movement on October 14 to denounce the new text negotiated with the group’s management. They then considered the proposed salary increases insufficient, pointing to the substantial benefits reaped in recent months.

A total of 61 percent of UAW union members approved the new six-year collective agreement on Wednesday while 39 percent voted against, UAW said.

This new text includes “a bonus of $ 8,500 at the time of signing, 20% increase in wages over the term of the contract with 10% starting this year, the return of cost of living adjustments, three lump sum payments of 3 %; improved retirement options as well as improved performance benefits, ”the union said.

However, healthcare will remain the same for the duration of the agreement.

“The courageous will of our members to strike in order to achieve a better standard of living and a more secure retirement has resulted in a groundbreaking collective agreement and sets a new standard for workers not only within the UAW but also in the whole country ”, reacted Chuck Browning, vice-president of the UAW, quoted in the press release.

Several movements of more or less important strikes had been initiated in the fall in the United States.

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