The text will be examined in committee at the beginning of June and in the hemicycle on June 13, during the parliamentary recess.
Reading time: 1 min

The main French unions showed on Tuesday May 21 their support for a bill from the Liot group which aims to prevent “one reform too many” on unemployment insurance with a further tightening of the rules expected on July 1. “We are not alone in thinking that this is one reform too many”said Liot MP Martine Froger who is carrying this text, alongside Marylise Léon (CFDT), Sophie Binet (CGT), Frédéric Souillot (FO) and François Hommeril (CFE-CGC), during a press briefing in The national assembly.
For Marylise Léon, the group’s text “aimed at protecting the model” of compensation for job seekers will make it possible to “talk clearly and frankly about what unemployment insurance is” which is the subject of “lots of fantasies”. “It is high time for the government to lay its cards on the table and expose the real reasons for this umpteenth reform” who is “purely budgetary”, she continued. The government must reveal its decisions next week with a decree which must take effect on July 1.
Her CGT counterpart, Sophie Binet, called for a vote on the text “to force the government to abandon its reform” which comes after previous reforms “violent”. Frédéric Souillot (FO) also denounced “an additional reform to hit the most precarious”while François Hommeril (CFE-CGC), judging the time “quite serious”. The text will be examined in committee at the beginning of June and in the hemicycle on June 13, during the Liot parliamentary niche, during which the group can put its proposals for discussion. A judged calendar “Perfect” by Sophie Binet because this will allow Parliament “to debate it once the government has revealed its copy and before it comes into force, therefore before July 1”.