unions and management agree on wage hike

The management of Airbus, which generated a record profit in 2021, stressed that this was the largest increase in wages for 20 years.

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The unions and the management of Airbus have reached an agreement on a salary increase in France of 3.9% over one year (July 2022-June 2023), then 2.9% the following year, detailed on Wednesday March 23 the CFE-CGC union. The management of Airbus, which generated a record profit in 2021, stressed that this was the largest increase in wages for 20 years.

“Wages will increase by 6.8% over two years, 3.9% in the first year, from July 2022 to June 2023, then by 2.9% from July 2023 to June 2024, with a review clause for the second year if inflation takes off”detailed Françoise Viallard, CFE-CGC coordinator at Airbus.

The agreement, which concerns employees in France, was signed by the three main trade unions of the European aircraft manufacturer: FO (38%), CFE-CGC (31%) and CFTC (14%). It concerns Airbus avion (24,000 employees) and Airbus Atlantique (13,000). The negotiations are “still in progress, and on the right track” at Airbus Defense and Space and Airbus Hélicoptères (Marignane and Le Bourget, 9,000 employees) on bases “roughly similar”said Françoise Viallard.

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