Unintended weight loss


What is it about ?

Unintended (unintentional) weight loss is a reduction of at least 5-10% in body weight in less than 6 months.

So if you weigh 80 kilos,

  • A loss of 5% corresponds to a loss of 4 kilos;
  • A loss of 10% corresponds to a loss of 8 kilos.

If you weigh 70 kilos,

  • A loss of 5% corresponds to a loss of 3.5 kilos;
  • A loss of 10% corresponds to a loss of 7 kilos.

Several causes are possible, but 1 time out of 4, there is no explanation.

The most common causes are:

The causes of unintentional weight loss vary with age. In young children, it is more a question offood allergy ; in older people it is more often cancer. The undernutrition in the elderly is discussed in another patient guide.

How to recognize it?

If you don’t weigh yourself often, you may notice that your clothes are getting too loose. It is also possible that someone around you will tell you that you have lost weight.

How is the diagnosis made?

The doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms:

  • Stomach aches ;
  • Vomiting;
  • Acid lifts;
  • Problems eating;
  • Stool consistency and color;
  • Smoking;
  • Alcohol consumption ;
  • Psychological well-being;
  • Drug consumption;
  • Memory problems;
  • Cough ;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Pain ;
  • Urinary problems;
  • Tired ;
  • Sweat.

He will perform a thorough clinical examination:

  • Skin inspection;
  • Inspection of the mouth;
  • Palpation of the belly;
  • Search for lymph nodes.

Depending on the clinical examination, the doctor may decide to request additional examinations. An x-ray of the chest (thorax) and a blood test can help make the correct diagnosis.

If the symptoms are primarily digestive, you may be referred to a gastrointestinal system specialist (gastroenterologist) for further advice. gastroscopy and / or a colonoscopy. If the doctor suspects you have anorexia, he will refer you to a psychiatrist.

What can you do ?

If you find that you are losing weight, do not wait too long to contact a doctor. The earlier certain diseases are discovered and treated, the better the prognosis.

What can the doctor do?

The doctor will try to make the diagnosis as quickly as possible. Treatment options depend on the diagnosis.


Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Involuntary weight loss in adults’ (2000), updated on 06/28/2017 and adapted to the Belgian context on 09/03/2019 – ebpracticenet

