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The health situation has deteriorated in Afghanistan, despite the promises of the Taliban. Women remain excluded from society.
In Lashkar Gah (Afghanistan), it is a hospital from another era, outdated, lacking in equipment and understaffed. However, it receives many patients, especially children. They suffer from malnutrition or cholera and are in critical condition. A year After the Taliban came to power, the health situation in the country is increasingly dramatic. “The Taliban help each other, but we don’t see anything coming, they don’t care about the poor”says a woman.
A year ago, the Taliban entered Kabul. Today, they are omnipresent in the streets of the capital. Their victory ended two decades of fighting and safety is their greatest achievement. For the rest, everything is to be rebuilt. What is especially visible since the arrival of the Taliban in power are the bans on women and young girls, who are still deprived of school. Since then, clandestine classes have multiplied.