Under the flamboyance of the Olympic Games, silence and hypocrisy over Israel’s atrocities in Palestine

In The duty of July 30, Professor Camille Marquis-Bissonnette recalled that, on July 19, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) had determined that Israel violated its international obligations in several aspects by its practices of colonization, occupation and annexation of Palestinian territory illegally. Strategies maintained under a policy of apartheid, with complete impunity.

The professor also pointed out, very judiciously, that other states “have an obligation to cooperate to put an end to violations of the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people.” What is the situation? Silence from Western countries and in the media.

Silence also on the plan for the realization of the Olympic Games in progress. The notable presence of the Israeli delegation at the Paris Games perfectly illustrates the policy of the Western countries that pull the strings behind the scenes of the International Olympic Committee. They impose their policy of double standards according to their own strategic interests. Thus, while we find the slightest pretext to condemn Russia because of the war in Ukraine and to prohibit it from sending an Olympic delegation on the grounds of doping well before the current situation, we roll out the red carpet for the Israeli delegation.

The main reason given for Russia’s exclusion is the invasion of Ukrainian territory, while Israel’s atrocities in Palestine for decades have not been subject to any sanctions. On the contrary, as Professor Marquis-Bissonnette points out, Western countries – led by the United States – pretend not to know the “legal consequences of Israel’s policies and practices on the occupied Palestinian territory.”

Silence also on the fact that, while the Palestinian victims afflicted by the incessant Israeli attacks die by the dozens every day, Benjamin Netanyahu was congratulated for his actions by a standing ovation from the American Congress: spectacular denial and embarrassing stifling of the miseries of the Palestinian people. Faced with such a noisy and insulting expression of support for the brute force used by the Israeli government, who still believes the high-sounding declarations of Western countries on the virtues of the merciless Israeli war?

The grip of silence

The tragic fate of the Palestinians seems to be played out in the shadows and in the crass or camouflaged ignorance of the explicit and rigorous condemnations of the ICJ. The implacable strategy of the normalization of the Israeli war protected by the hypocrisy of the Western countries leads the world into indifference in the face of the most abject destructive actions. The people subjected to the murderous fires no longer even have the strength to cry for help… In any case, no one wants to hear them.

The hypocritical, so-called “neutral” face of the Olympics also presents a blatant, if implicit, illustration of the recognition of the Israeli war. The dominant forces of the West have decided that Israel deserves a presence at the Olympics; this is a gold medal awarded by the advocates of Good against Evil, regardless of the multiple international condemnations, in particular those of the International Court of Justice.

The Palestinian people can die screaming their anger and indignation, the immeasurable powers of the armies thunder the cannons to cover their cries of despair. The world lives under the influence of the silence imposed by the empire of Good in a world order defined by the warmongering West.

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