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Against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, the presidential campaign really begins, not without difficulty. For the time being, Emmanuel Macron benefits from a “flag effect”.
The campaign is unique. “We had already had this month of January during which the campaign had been somewhat frozen by the resurgence of Covid, a month of February where there had been variations and then there, the campaign is taking place in a context of very international crisis. acute”explains Frédéric Micheau, Managing Director of Opinion Way, on the set of 23 hours of Franceinfo Friday, March 4.
This has repercussions on the electoral campaign and in particular on its media coverage. “This prevents a whole series of candidates from being able to express themselves fully, from being able to campaign”, specifies the general manager of Opinion Way. One word too many aimed at Emmanuel Macron can be misunderstood by public opinion. The President of the Republic benefits from a “flag effect”, a form of national unity. “The French expect him to participate in a debate before the first round”nevertheless qualifies Frédéric Micheau.