Ukraine says it shot down 29 Russian drones and a missile overnight

Ukraine’s air force said Tuesday it had shot down 29 drones and a missile launched by Russia in a new series of nighttime attacks on its neighbor.

Ukrainian air defense “destroyed thirty aerial targets in the south and east”: 29 Iranian-made Shahed 131/136 drones as well as an Iskander-K cruise missile, the air force said on Telegram .

In total, Russia launched 31 drones and one missile from Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Moscow in 2014, the air force added.

The Russian army, which launched its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, attacks various Ukrainian regions almost every night using drones and missiles.

In September, Moscow used more than 500 Shahed drones against Ukraine, a record, according to the Ukrainian consulting group Defense Express, which predicts even more active use by Moscow of these cheap but depleting aircraft.

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