Ukraine: Russian threat intensifies



Article written by

AC. Dagger, J. Cohen-Olivieiri – France 2

France Televisions

The fear of a Russian invasion is growing. So much so that several countries are in the process of repatriating their employees from the embassies.

In Kyiv (Ukraine), the tension is at its peak. As the threat of a Russian invasion is growing, the United States has decided to send soldiers to reinforce the country. In a statement, the State Department ordered the families of US embassy diplomats to leave the country amid the continued threat of Russian military action.

While the United States is showing unprecedented firmness, some European countries are putting the situation into perspective. I don’t think we need to dramatize insofar as the negotiations are continuing and they are continuing. I don’t think we should leave Ukraine and go“, Explain Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs.


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