UEFA announces the opening of an “independent investigation”

The European body promises to “examine the decision-making, responsibilities and behavior of all parties involved in the final”.

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UEFA promises to“examine the decision-making, responsibilities and behaviors of all parties involved in the final”. The European body announced on Monday 30 May the opening of a “independent investigation” on the incidents that occurred on Saturday during the Champions League final at the Stade de France.

The investigation was entrusted to an independent personality, the former Portuguese Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Tiago Brandão Rodrigues. “Evidence will be gathered from all relevant stakeholders and the findings of this independent report will be made public at the end of this process”added UEFA, which will then study “the next steps”. Dn a first time, on Saturday evening, UEFA had simply mentioned the “thousands of counterfeit notes” blocking “the turnstiles on the side of the stands reserved for Liverpool”.

In France, the Bobigny prosecutor’s office opened an investigation on Monday for “organized gang fraud”, franceinfo learned from a judicial source. Justice was seized after the report of Didier Lallement, prefect of police of Paris, for a “massive fraud“to counterfeit banknotes causing the influx of 30 to 40,000 additional supporters around the stadium.

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