Beware of this false information circulating on social networks which claims that the German government teaches migrants techniques to be able to sleep more easily with women.
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Germany is reportedly offering migrants a whole programme to teach them “to go out and even have sex” with “local women”. This false information is circulating in a particular context, because Germany has just decided on Monday, September 9, to tighten its controls on all its borders for six months to combat illegal immigration and where the extreme right continues to rise.
One of the most shared posts on social media states that the German government is funding “programs to teach immigrants how to date and have sex with local women.”
The post is accompanied by a screenshot of the website of this so-called government program with an illustration that depicts a sexual relationship between a black man and a white woman. This is false, the German government has never launched such a program.
By doing a reverse image search, we find the origin of this illustration. It comes from a German government program, linked to the Ministry of Health, the Zanzu program, launched in 2016. Its objective is to provide information and prevent sexual intercourse and romantic relationships. This program is intended for any foreign person arriving in Germany who could not benefit from sex education classes at school. So nothing to do with methods to encourage migrants to sleep with German women.
On this site, you will find articles and illustrations on sexuality, the relationship to the body, romantic relationships, sexually transmitted diseases and even domestic violence.
The program offers its content in 13 different languages, including French.
The other false information shared in this tweet explains that the German government has also set up a “dating program”, a program to create romantic encounters between German schoolgirls and migrants aged 30 and over.
This is a false information that has been circulating regularly in Germany for almost 10 years. It is mainly German nationalists who share it. Each time, this false information is associated with photos of young women who exchange with migrants. Except that these photos do not show romantic encounters between these men and these schoolgirls, but discussions in a school setting between students and young refugees to exchange and facilitate their integration. Here again, we find the origin of these photos thanks to a reverse image search, which refers us to local articles that talk about these exchanges.